Herausgabe / Mitherausgabe

Max Peter Baumann Blibliographie


Baumann, Max Peter (Editor); Jonathan Stock (Co-Editor); T.M. Scruggs (Guest Editor): Musical Reverberations from the Encounter of Local and Global Belief Systems. Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung (=the world of music. Journal of the Department of Ethnomusicology, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (Bd. 47, Nr. 1, 2005). 216 S. - ISBN 3-86135-743-7. ISSN 0043-8774

Baumann, Max Peter (Editor); Jonathan Stock (Co-Editor); Marin Marian-Bălaşa (Guest Editor): Notation, Transcription, Visual Representation. Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung (=the world of music. Journal of the Department of Ethnomusicology, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (Bd. 47, Nr. 2, 2005). 190 S. - ISBN 3-86135-744-5. ISSN 0043-8774.

Baumann, Max Peter (Editor); Jonathan Stock (Co-Editor); Bruno Deschênes (Guest Editor): The Music of “Others” in the Western World. Berlin: VWB - Verlag für Wissenschaft und Bildung (=the world of music. Journal of the Department of Ethnomusicology, Otto-Friedrich University of Bamberg (Bd. 47, Nr. 3, 2005). 183 S. - ISBN 3-86135-745-3. ISSN 0043-8774.